Trivia Game Rules!

Com-Nation makes every attempt to bring you accurate and interesting questions.
However –  from time to time, some may argue that our questions have more than one answer. 

If this happens, please accept our pre-emptive and most humble apologies. 

Please choose the best response from the options available.

Remember that tonight’s questions are primarily from the work featured.
Appearances in other media and changes made by subsequent storylines may not apply.

Your answer is your answer – and after the question has closed, that’s it.

The host and/or Com-Nation will have final say in all circumstances during play.
The first and fastest right answer to the question is the winning answer. The player with the most “winning” answers is the winner winner, despite the lack of chicken dinner. (Which is to say, you’re playing for fun – we don’t have prizes at this time). 

This is entertainment and our aim is to have fun. 

Thank you, and enjoy!